Us in Numbers

Happy Students
Teaching students to give back to their communities is crucial for the well being of our communities.
Course Contet
Pre-School: Nursery Class
Science-Oriented: Biology, Science, Physics, Geometry, Math, Math (English),
Our volunteers give their students (learners) selfless support
We offer courses like math, science, reading, writing, language, and more to underserved youth wherever
“ My son and I are refugees, my son’s educational life was interrupted. You came to our aid and did not spare your precious help. This work that you have done has made a significant contribution to my son’s life. I would like to thank the volunteer teachers and the supporters of your organization for their valuable help. I’m glad you’re with me.”
I loved English and Mathematics thanks to my teachers at First Bricks, much appreciated.
Dılara Student 
Thanks to First Bricks, I learned to read and write. Thank you very much
Meryem / GreeceStudent 
I love playing chess online, thank you very much to my Ibrahim teacher who taught me chess.
D Kaya / NetherlandsStudent 
I learned how to read and write at Fırst Bricks. Everyday I read German books in the morning and Turkish in the evening. Sending lots of love to my teacher Mucahit, who taught me how to read and write and made me love reading books.
dılara / DeutschlandStudent 
When I took a break from my education, I was very upset. Since I was preparing for LGS, I was dreaming of enrolling in a good high school, now I am in a completely different country and my education was left unfinished. I met with First Bricks on such days. Although there was a full 8 hour time difference between us, our teacher was just spending a lot of effort and time in our lessons. Our other teachers were sending us messages constantly to keep us motivated. I'm lucky because I got over these troubled times with the morale given by my teachers. I am glad you exist, First Bricks.
Enes / BelgıumStudent 
My mother was anxious, my father was excited, and I came here without even knowing what was going on. I couldn't go to school when everyone was going to school. I tried to learn through lessons from youtube videos, but there were a lot of places that I couldn't understand. First Bricks came to help me when I was in need. Referred to by a friend of my mother, We called them. Sefa answered the phone, later we learned he was the coordinator and founder of First Bricks. He placed us in a classroom immediately. I didn’t know about the time difference back then so I was calling him at 4 o'clock in the morning and he answered and listened to every time.Thank you very much for picking up every phone and listening to me Sir Sefa, thank you very much for founding the opportunity of First Bricks.
Fatma D/ SwissStudent 
This school has been very, very good for us this year. Just when schools were about to open, we had to leave where we resided and we had been on the road for 8 months. That's why your school has been very, very good for our children. May Allah bless you and all our teachers again.
Sultan / GreeceParent 
Thank you Fırst Bricks for quenching my longing for all the years I couldn’t be a teacher.